Introduction to Git

Git Internals and SHA

Some Git Terms

Basic Git Workflow

Git Workflow

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Git Basics

Here is a cool webapp to visualizing Git stuffs:

A very good guide to Git basics

Pro Git - Chapter 2

Command Reference

Pro Git - A3.2 Appendix C

How does Git work?

Inside Git, everything is an object.

Git objects

Everything in Git is represented in a few basic objects stored in the file system in the .git directory.

  1. Blob

  2. Tree

    Git Tree

    Image source:

  3. Commit

    Git Commit

    Image source:

  4. Ref (aka tag, branch, etc.)

    Git References

    Image source:

  5. Read more

Git and Graphs

A Git repository is essentially a giant directed acyclic graph (DAG).


Every object is stored on disk and has a SHA-1 hash as the filename.

  1. But isn't SHA1 insecure?

    Yes, but that does not matter in this context. Git uses SHA1 to keep track of data and check integrity. It is still a good hashing algorithm with a very-very low collision rate.

Content is King

Git is very smart. It does not keep track of files, it keeps track of the content. If you create 1000000000000 files with the same content, it will only create 1 blob. Also works if you create 2 files with the same content. :wink:

Learn more about Git