======= Tamiya Bot ======= root@strawberry pins located at: /sys/class/gpio Initialize/Remove a gpio connection: * echo into "/sys/class/gpio/export" to create a gpio connection with pin . * echo into "/sys/class/gpio/unexport" to remove an existing connection Using a gpio connection: * echo ("in"|"out") into "/sys/class/gpio/gpio/direction" to specify the mode of writing or reading. * echo ("1"|"0") into "/sys/class/gpio/gpio/value" to turn (on|off) a port =====Test 1:===== * Raspberry Pi + Arduino, GPIO test light blink {{:test_1_rpi_arduino.jpg?200|}} * arduino hookup {{:test_1_arduino.jpg?200|}} * rasberry hookup {{:test_1_rpi.jpg?200|}} =====Test 2:===== **SoftwareSerial to ttyAMA0. Here is the** [[code]]. * Raspberry Pi {{:rpi_test_2.jpg?200|}} * Arduino {{:2014-01-31_18.22.57.jpg?200|}} =====Test 3:===== Code for the Servo and Sensor is [[robotservosensor|here.]] ======links:====== * serial connection: http://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection * RPi gpio chart: http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals#GPIO_hardware_hacking * ICSP (+other digital charts for Leonardo):http://www.instructables.com/id/Step-by-Step-Guide-to-the-Arduino-Leonardo/ * SPI R/W from arduino (UNO, in depth) http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=10892 * ICSP (explanation, more general) http://tronixstuff.com/2011/05/13/tutorial-arduino-and-the-spi-bus/ ====== iRobot ====== [[http://www.irobot.com/hrd_right_rail/create_rr/create_fam/createFam_rr_manuals.html]] [[https://github.com/mgobryan/pycreate]] Working on this --> [[https://github.com/neofu50/python-irobot-create]]