======== 2018 Website Redesign ========
=======Contact and Code Locations =======
**Slack Channel Link:** https://lugatuic.slack.com/messages/CCNQX7UJU/ \\
**Github Link:** https://github.com/lugatuic/lug.cs.uic.edu-2018\\
=======Persons Involved =======
^ Position ^ Name ^ Email ^
^ **Project Oversight:** | Bennett Maciorowski (LUG President) | bennettmaciorowski@gmail.com |
^ **Project Lead/Manager:** | Joshua Castor (Senior Technical Officer) | joshua.castor@joshuacastor.me |
^ **Project Back End Lead:** | Will Toher | N/A |
^**Project Front End Lead:** | Joshua Castor (Senior Technical Officer) | joshua.castor@joshuacastor.me |
^**Deployment Lead:** | Bharat Middha (LUG VP/SysAdmin) | N/A |
**Team Members:** Bennett Maciorowski, Bharat Middha, Brent Yurek,Ghost (need to put real name),Jacob Raffe, Joshua Castor,Stephen Walden, Tejaswi Reddy Kondammagari, Will Toher \\
**Tech Stack Used:** Python Flask, Vue.js, Html, CSS
=======Documentation =======
===== Front End Documentation=====
=====Back End Documentation=====
===== Deployment Process=====
======= Meeting Notes =======
===== Meeting 1 [Sept 12 2018]=====
Website design meeting - Sept 12 2018
* Attendees: Bennett Macioroski, Bharat, Brent, Joshua Castor, Jason, Marco (left early), Michelle, Will T, (late), Tian Z (late), Dan H (late)
* Topic: Website Redesign
* Current Site
* Looks old
* Data is outdated
* Via PHP, no CMS
* no more IRC
* old Google Calendar widget looks old
* things to keep
* slack URL
* mailing list, location
* LUG email
* Wants for new site
* ability to register online
* preferably, proper form, database, etc.
* application is ready (via Bharat)
* streamlined mailing list sign up process
* want CMS (Content Management System)
* Drupal or Wordpress
* Or homebrewed
* relevant info should be front and center
* events, officers, room location, available utilities
* events: custom calendar widget
* livestream of 3D printer
* look more "modern"
* current site seems a bit blank, maybe larger images to fill page space
* not white pages
* dark theme
* analytics
* ACM Member application
* long ass form
* Available Infrastructure (Chase Lee)
* Make Containers
* Clusters of servers
* 22TB of space
* Site Tracking, GDPR (if necessary)
* Josh's Proposal: VueJS (JavaScript, HTML, CSS)
* pros
* Can have Server Side Rendering
* MEVN stack
* cons
* merged with Bharat
* **Ben's Proposal: HTML, Flask (Python), Docker, Nginx, UWSGI, Jenkins**
* pros
* most have some experience with Python
* cons
* why not DJango? Ben has more experience with Flask
* vote: Brent, Ben, Tian (with Vue as frontend), (and Will Toher)
* Will Toher
* Jenkins is very complicated CI in his opinion, but also one of the better self hosted
* Bharat's Proposal: Vue, NodeJS, MariaDB (MySql), Yarn, Docker, Mocha/Chai/Jenkins, Redis, Nginx, Sass
* pros
* "the new hip thing"
* cons
* vote: Bharat, Josh
* Chase: I <3 PHP, no Ruby
* also: Angular, PHP - backend, Laravel, MariaDB (MySql), Yarn, Docker, Mocha/Chai/Jenkins, Redis, Nginx/Apache, Sass
* vote: Chase, Dan H.
* next meeting
* 2 weeks (Sept 26)
===== Meeting 2 [September 26th]=====
# pre meeting notes
* talk about...
* look and feel of new site
* content of site
* setting up Docker
* Splitting up people into teams
* review of procedure for pushing code and branches (i.e. logistics, not exact process)
* agenda
* mention flask-vue concept - 5-10 minutes
* branch off into... (tentative order)
* docker and backend (first, as it's probably quick) - 5 minutes
* who's going to set it up
* who's working on it
* Github organization and logistics - 5 minutes
* splitting into teams - 10-15 minutes
* tentatively
* main project manager for frontend (probably Joshua Castor)
* main project manager for backend (probably Bharat)
* UAT person (probably Stephen Walden) (a.k.a. QuailAss person)
* User Acceptance Testing
* split by tab/page (TBD after discussing look and feel of site)
* discussing look and feel of new site (main part of meeting) - time permitting, may move to separate meeting, maybe Monday, 10/1?
* CSS frameworks (if any)
* what are main tabs/pages -> split frontend people into teams
* content per tab/page
* color theme(s)
* page layout(s)
# meeting
* brief app walkthrough (https://github.com/BluuArc/LUG-Flask-Vue-Example)
* Content Management Systems
* Goal: Make it easy to create, edit, and notify people of posts
* 3rd party
* Drupal (complicated, but more powerful than Wordpress according to Bharat)
* Wordpress (easiest according to Bharat)
* Make our own?
* Not worth it in terms of maintainability (Chase)
* DevOps (Docker, CI/CD, etc.)
* Bharat and Chase
* GitHub Team for Web Redesign
* https://github.com/orgs/lugatuic/teams/website-redesign/members
* You should be able to log in and see your name on the list
* If not, message Ben or Bharat to add you
* GitHub Repo organization
* Based on https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow
* Don't push to master (CI/CD will do that), use develop
* Use feature branches
* Splitting into teams
* DevOps - Bharat
* Backend - Ben
* Frontend - Josh
* Current Plan
* leaders create tasks
* each team can then run their own meetings separately
* To readers: Pick up issues, you're not tied to a specific team, ask leader for more info
* Idea: dump old slack messages and post them
* Look into accessibility
* Tentatively have look and feel meeting on Monday, Oct 1. Need to figure out optimal time
* quick brainstorming session
* Projects page
* Wiki page
* Membership registration form
* Event Gallery
* Event Page (current and future)
* Officers page, w/ record of officers
* Home/Splash Page
* 3D livestream
* Contact Us
===== Meeting 3 [October 4th 2018]=====
# pre meeting notes\\
* talk about...
* look and feel of new site
* content of site
* Splitting up people into teams
* agenda
* discussing look and feel of new site (main part of meeting) - time permitting, may move to separate meeting, maybe Monday, 10/1?
* CSS frameworks (if any)
* what are main tabs/pages -> split frontend people into teams
* content per tab/page
* color theme(s)
* page layout(s)
* split by tab/page (TBD after discussing look and feel of site)
* quick brainstorming session from last meeting
* Projects page
* Wiki page
* Membership registration form
* Event Gallery
* Event Page (current and future)
* Officers page, w/ record of officers
* Home/Splash Page
* 3D livestream
* Contact Us
# meeting
* navigation bar
* permanent left menu with pages (potentially collapsible on smaller screens - need testing)
* see https://vuetifyjs.com/en/framework/icons for reference
* collapsible subpages
* category listings
* Home
* Events
* Projects
* Project Listing
* Wiki Page
* Services
* About Us
* AppBar
* top right
* sign up
* slack
* top left
* menu icon (on smaller devices only)
* icon/logo
* move logo to side menu on smaller screens
* pages
* Projects page
* record of projects
* Wiki page
* Membership registration form
* Events
* tile + thumbnail listing
* sort newest first by default, search functionality
* bare minimum: link to Google Calendar widget embed
* Event Gallery of previous events
* Event Listing (current and future)
* Home/Splash Page
* pictures of recent events - carousel - higher target
* office location
* link to Slack channel
* LUG description (Lorem ipsum filler)
* sign up form/button/link
* 3D livestream
* Contact Us
* Question page - post question functionality
* About Us
* who we are
* Officers page/listing, w/ record of officers
* each officer has their own tile, with description and contact info
* Design Decision: Using [Vuetify](https://vuetifyjs.com/en/) framework for components
* stretch goal: konami code on front page for bonus theme
* logo only
* black background
* green primary color
* stereotypical console font (e.g. Consolas)
* Action Items for next meeting (TBA)
* Josh: create mockup of site
* Others on frontend: brush up on Vue\\
===== Meeting 4 [October 23rd 2018]=====
* agenda
* go over PR
* decide whether to keep layout
* if we keep the layout, start creating issues
* if not, brainstorm more layout
* sign up button
* start with Google Form
* potentially revisit later on to implement our own form
* home page
* top banner
* hardcoded
* about section
* hardcoded
* left half: description
* right half: location
* event carousel
* API for event data
* 1 entry at a time
* each entry contains
* title
* desc
* possible image
* timing
* officer cards
* API for officer listing
* each card
* game card style
* top: name
* image
* position
* bio
* special abilities
* utilties listing (cards?)
* hardcoded
* easter egg: visiting pages in a specific order leads to a specific page
* GitHub issues will start showing up sometime over the next few days\\
===== Meeting 5 [October 30th 2018]=====
* agenda
* define API for structures of officers and events
* [Officer issue](https://github.com/lugatuic/lug.cs.uic.edu-2018/issues/11) and [events issue](https://github.com/lugatuic/lug.cs.uic.edu-2018/issues/7)
* workshop on issues
* front page cricisms
* on light theme, there's a gray bar in the event carousel; there was a suggestion to remove it
* on dark theme, color highlighting the active page on the left sidebar doesn't have enough contrast; there was a suggestion to change it
* Officer API
* endpoint: `/api/officers?semester=fa2018`
* returns array of officers
* `semester` - define what semester to show officers for
* if not specified, returns all officers
* e.g. `/api/officers?semester=fa2018` returns an array of officers for Fall 2018
* one officer object
{"name": "officer name",
"rank": "some rank",
"desc": "description of officer, just plaintext",
"github": "github link",
"personal_site": "link to personal",
"image": "image link, if needed",
"special_ability": "a special ability",
"join_date": "a date object"
* Events API
* endpoint: `/api/events`
* returns array of events all future events
* just look at output in Slack
{"summary": "/bin/systemctl: Virtual Machines",
"timeStart": "2018-10-22T22:00:00.000Z",
"timeEnd": "2018-10-22T23:00:00.000Z",
"location": "",
"description": ""
* Josh todo: Move the API notes here to their respective issues\\
=== Meeting 6 [October 30th 2018]==
* agenda
* overview of current issues
* plans for future of project
## Updates
* Hao (spelling?)
* not much progress
* working on learning HTML and Flask
* Stephen
* not much, will have more QA work in ufture
* Josh
* frontend is ready to query for events and officers from backend
* Brent
* looking into current open issues
* Ben
* working on PR for Python readme
* working en backend for events API
## Meeting
* going over issues
* Utilities to list
* RPi
* Arduino
* Ice Cream
* 3-D printing
* no images (just names)
* center listing
* Home - Officers
* Stephen will start template, Josh will clean up
* Home - Events
* Josh will take card design
* Ben is working on Backend
* future
* mockups for project listing and services (from Ben)
* services
* make listing consistent instead of alternating
* about page
* who we are
* what we do
* link to constitution
* relevant links
* slack
* github
* other social media links
* listing of previous officers
* wiki page
* change to external link to https://lug.cs.uic.edu/wiki/doku.php?id=start
* Events page
* same thing as events page in CS lounge
* utilities - hardware based, and ice cream
* services - online + hardware stuff
* everything on utiities except ice cream
* Josh: finish up mockup layout and create PR and issues
* next meeting: next week Thursday (11/1)
===== Meeting 7 [November 1st 2018]=====
Meeting notes
# Agenda
* Welcome Will Toher as new backend lead\\
* Go over current issues and PRs; check for updates\\
* Workshop
# Meeting notes
* merging services and utilities
* front page: utilities -> services
* Went over issues and PRs \\
===== Meeting 8 [November 8th 2018]=====
* updates from people\\
* go over current issues and pull requests in GitHub\\
* workshop rest of time\\
# Meeting Notes
* Stephen, Ben, Hao - no updates\\
* Will, Josh - going through issues
===== Meeting 9 [November 13th 2018]=====
# Agenda
* updates from people
* go over current issues and pull requests in GitHub\\
* Discuss refactoring of server file\\
* referencing https://github.com/BluuArc/multi-folder-flask-example\\
* workshop rest of time
# Meeting Notes
* Updates
* Ben - historical officer stuff
* Stephen - no updates
* Jacob - service data
* Teja - finishing up course
* Josh - various issue
* Discussed Integrating DnD Webapp with LUG website\\
# dndwebapp
* SQL Lite for databases (until we move to Docker)
* When using Docker, have a separate dedicated server for database managment
*Postgres, MySQL
===== Meeting 10 [November 27th 2018]=====
# Agenda
* updates from people
* go over current issues and pull requests in GitHub
* workshop rest of time
# Meeting Notes
* Updates
* Ben - no progress on projects backend, busy for next 2 weeks
* Ghost - has prototype form ready, will talk to Ben on adding it to a server
* error communication spec?
* Jake - finishing up services page, minor image resizing issues
* Josh - finished officer listing and officer policy
* Stephen - no progress
* Brent + Will - working on events PR
* Teja - no updates
* Deployment
* option 1 - all hosted in house - current preference
* option 2 - host static files (frontend) on GH, rely on LUG servers for data
===== Meeting 11 [December 4th 2018]=====
# Agenda \\
* updates from people \\
* go over current issues and pull requests in GitHub\\
* discuss work TBD over break \\
* workshop rest of time (or work on projects/study for finals) \\
# Meeting Notes \\
* updates
* Josh - looking over PRs
* Ben, Will - busy with coursework
* Teja - has basic layout
* Jacob - working on PR
* issues
* Ben - working on projects API
* future work
* goal: deploy site before next semester starts
* I don't expect any work being done during finals week
* Keep in touch over Slack after finals
Addendum to meeting notes: Minecraft will be added to service listing at a later date
===== Meeting 12 [TBD]=====