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dndwebapp [2020/02/04 16:55]
chasty2 [Back End Documentation]
dndwebapp [2020/02/28 21:11] (current)
chasty2 [Back End Documentation]
Line 30: Line 30:
 ==== Front End Documentation==== ==== Front End Documentation====
 ==== Back End Documentation==== ==== Back End Documentation====
 +Database schema, version 2:
-Database schema, version 2+**one baseStats per charSheet
 +Docker Notes:
 +<code bash>
 +## Enter these commands in bash on a Linux environment.
 +## create docker image from dockerfile and run it. Must be in initDB directory to build lug-mysql image
 +docker build -t lug-mysql .
 +docker run -d --name=lugdb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test -p 3306:3306 lug-mysql
 +## delete image and instance if you need to rebuild ​
 +docker rm lugdb
 +docker image rm lug-mysql
 +## enter mysql 
 +docker exec -it lugdb mysql -uroot -p  ​
 ===== Meeting Notes===== ===== Meeting Notes=====
 ==== Meeting 1 [11/​09/​2018]==== ==== Meeting 1 [11/​09/​2018]====
dndwebapp.1580835313.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/04 16:55 by chasty2