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Dungeons And Dragons Web App

Contact/Code Source

Persons Involved

Project Leads

Position Name Email
Project Lead/Manager: Amy Ngo
Alumni Project Advisor Bennett Maciorowski (LUG Alumni Advisor
Alumni Project Advisor Josh Castor (Senior Technical Officer)
Alumni Project Advisor Will Toher


Jacob Raffe, Ben Maciorowski, Emily, Darius Grassi, Kartikeya Tripathi, Nausherwan Tirmizi, Matthew Alvero, Ali Siddiqi

Project Structure

Project Requirements/UseCases

Page requirements Uses
Index/Home Page Clean friendly design, good color balance A landing page which'll allow people to understand what the app is and register/login
Account Creation easy to navigate with data fields containing tooltips to aid in entering data allows new users of the app to register accounts
Profile View
Character Creation
Character View
Item Creation
Game Creation
Chat Room


Front End Documentation

Back End Documentation

Database schema, version 2:

Docker Notes:

## Enter these commands in bash on a Linux environment.
## Pull mysql 5.7 docker image (mysql 8 works, but a bugfix is needed).
docker pull mysql:5.7
## Insert iptables firewall rule for docker container at port 3306 and save. Note that the docker daemon must be started after iptables is running. If iptables or a firewall is not running this is not necessary. 
iptables -A INPUT -i docker0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
service iptables save
## create and start docker image
docker run -d --name=lugdb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test -e MYSQL_DATABASE=lugdb -p 3306:3306 mysql:5.7
## enter container
docker exec -it lugdb -p
## (in mysql) Create accounts table.
use lugdb
## (in mysql) Show table.
SELECT * from account;
## (in myqsl) Exit the container.

Meeting Notes

Meeting 1 [11/09/2018]

* Goals

  • Stage 1
    • Make a web app which can create characters for board games
    • The first board game to be integrated would be D&D, but the goal is to design the app to handle multiple types of games
    • Would be able to store characters associated with specific user accounts
    • Back End would be created via the Flask library for Python, same stack as the LUG website
    • Front end would be created via the Vue framework for Javascript, same stack as the LUG website
  • Stage 2
    • Make a battlemap creator
    • No in depth planning until stage 1 is completed
  • Stage 3
    • Make an app which would allow for users to play D&D online
    • Also no in depth planning until stage 1 is completed

* Logistics

  • Workload will be assigned via Trello in specific, broken up stories
  • Communication will occur via Slack
  • Code storage and integration will be done through GitHub(repo link located above)
  • Next meeting will occur Monday after so that everyone will have a chance to familiarize themselves with their respective technology stacks

* Tentative class decomposition described on Slack

Meeting 2 [11/12/2018]

* Officer positions assigned to Joshua Castor(Front End) and Brent Yurik(Back end)

* Goal for first set of pull requests:

  • Skeletons: a “Hello World” which does the bare minimum of what we expect the website to do, which can be filled out gradually as development continues
    • Front End skeleton
      • Assigned to Josh Castor, Nausherwan Tirmizi
      • Basic Webpages which will be able to receive data from back end
    • Back End skeleton
      • Assigned to Brent Yurik, Darius Grasse, and Jacob Raffe
      • file which contains routes which correspond to main pages (described in next series of bullet points

* Description of Website pages/ app requirements

  • Three main pages:
    • Home page
      • gives option to either use previously made characters/default characters, or a link to create a unique character
      • will have an app bar and logo at top
      • image of expected result is located on slack
    • Input page
      • Will have a series of text fields which will correspond to certain members of the character class(full decomposition of character class available on slack)
        • text fields for names, fluff text, equipment, etc.
        • each text field will have a randomize option, which will pull random values stored on database
      • Will have a series of drop down menus for members of character class which has finite options
      • Each completed/filled out input will result in another, new input becoming available(e.g. subrace dropdown menu will become available after race is chosen)
      • Some inputs will be hidden until the previous input has been filled/chosen(e.g. subrace will not be visible or available until race has been chosen)
    • Output page
      • HTML document which will be filled out with information given by JSON object which will be served by back end
        • client side processing is less stressful on the LUG server
      • HTML document will have general format of a D&D character sheet, with hidden text fields filled out dynamically by information given by API

* Logistics

  • Intermediate end will be doone via Slack library for python(will organize routes and serve JSON object for front end, will gather JSON object from back end)
  • True Back End development will largely consist of database creation and management, database stack unknown
  • Front end will still work through Vue.js

Meeting 3 [11/19/2018]

* The discussion largely centered around which software will be used to manage the database

  • The eventual conclusion which had been reached is that we will set up a docker container, and run a NoSQL database on it
    • The Docker Container doesn't handle interaction between databases very well, but can handle interactions between programs well, so the docker container will interact with another container which consists of a program which sets up a NoSQL database
    • The Docker Container has a few benefits over Virtual Machines, which is what the LUG server currently uses
      • Takes up less space/has less overhead
      • environment can be perfectly consisten between machines, rather than having different Oses on different VMs
    • The NoSQL database stack we will use is MongoDB
    • Kartikeya Tripathi will set up the Docker Container and database with Bharat Middha
      • The first goal for the Docker container is to have a skeleton which just runs flask and the NoSQL database
  • The API is going to be in the RESTful style
    • This just means that JSON objects will be sent over HTTP
    • The JSON objects will contain the information to render the character output page
  • More images which visualize the server client dynamic have been posted by Jacob Raffe on the Slack

* Also, Ben Maciorowski created a logo out of Tux wearing a wizard hat, this image is located on slack

* Back end Skeleton has been finished, can navigate between pages

  • only three pages needed are the Character input, Character Output, and Home pages

* The next goal for Back end is to make API specifications, as Front End development largely depends on the JSON objects sent by Back end

  • Brent Yurik will give notes on, and lead the discussion regarding the API specification

* The next meeting will be on Friday November 30th

Meeting 4 [11/30/2018]

dndwebapp.1582667129.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/25 21:45 by benbigmac